You might want to stop now ! 18+ Only : LEGAL DISCLAIMER PLEASE READ! I, the creator and all those associated with the development and production of these programs/content are not responsible for any actions and or damages caused by this software. You bear the full responsibility of your actions and acknowledge that these software was created for educational purposes only. All our software's intended purpose is NOT to be used maliciously, or on any system that you do not have own or have explicit permission to operate and use our programs on. By using our software, you automatically agree to the above. Setup, Everything setting is located at folder badaxxbot/config.php . Steps : 1) Add Your activation key in $activated 2) Replace $fuck1 with any word like, product, image, get, check and so on, do same with $fuck2 but this time you can add url or long text with random shit . 3) increase $visitcount if your still setting up the script , after setup reduce back to 2 or even 1 . Finally , this new version might not allow access until you pass the $fuck1 variable , using this method. {} id here means whatever you add in $fuck1 //turn it off $secret_key_access = true; change to false this are the basic settings to get you started ... you can watch some of redirectors video to understand others like email protect and so on . If you have any problem talk to badaxxbot in telegram . #when using email protection , pass the email data first before fuck1 variable , example: //id here means whatever you add in $fuck1 To understand why the bot is blocking you , please add your telegram information. Talk to me @badaxxbot in telegram for support